Middle School

You Belong Here

We get it. Middle school can be awkward. Students are growing up fast and need a place where they can start to learn how God sees them. The road through middle school may be bumpy—but it doesn't have to be lonely. CMS students are surrounded by a community helping them on the journey to discover a faith of their own. CMS meets on Sunday mornings and is an environment where students experience games, music, and teaching in a large group setting before spending time processing what they learned in small groups. Small groups are at the core of CMS. They're made up of a consistent group of students and led by committed adult leaders. These groups are designed to create a safe environment for students to share what's going on in their lives and ask questions about faith and about navigating the middle school world. Our hope is to energize students to connect with their peers and give them a vision of who they were created to be. We love when new people join CMS, so join us on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30am!

Join Us this Week


Sundays // 9:30-10:30am // Grades 6-8 // Quakertown Library
Thursdays // 6:30-8:00pm // Grades 6-8 // The Gathering Place, 351 W. Broad Street, Quakertown

Weekly environments for students in grades six through eight that meet during service on Sundays and 6:30pm on Thursdays. Your student can expect games, friends, exciting teaching, a small group time designed to give them a safe environment to share what's going on in their lives and ask tough questions about what we talked about.


Sundays // 9:30-10:30am // Grades 6-8 // Students Space
Wednesdays // 7:00-8:15pm // Grades 6-8 // Students Space

A weekly environment for students in grades six through eight that meets during service. Your student can expect games, music, teaching, and a small group time designed to give them a safe environment to share what's going on in their lives and ask tough questions about what we talked about.


Keep up with the latest exciting events designed specifically for your student.

Camps & Serve Trips

Winter Camp

At Winter Camp, students get away from everyday life, grow in relationships with their friends and with God, and discover their identity in Christ through powerful worship, engaging teaching, and awesome camp activities. We can’t wait for next year!

CMS Serve Langhorne

May 17-19 • We’re going on mission to serve in Langhorne, PA by participating in Cairn University’s JAM Outreach! JAM gives students intensive evangelism training to share their faith with children from Philadelphia. Sign ups have now closed.


Serving is one way we can tangibly connect with others and impact the lives of those in our community. We encourage our church family and our students to serve at Calvary within or outside of student ministries! There are so many opportunities for you to have an eternal impact.

Small Group Leader

Invest in the lives of a small group of students to encourage them to have an authentic faith. You will help them have meaningful interactions during small group that deepen their faith in Jesus and influence their relationships with others. Learn more here!

Support Team

Help serve behind the scenes to ensure students a great experience at CHS/CMS. From set-up/tear-down, welcome team, tech team, snacks, social media, and more. Learn more here!

Student Serve Team

Join the CMS Wednesday night team and help serve alongside our adult CS leaders helping in various roles during CMS. (Set-up/tear-down, welcome team, tech, social media, and more.) Learn more here!

Meet Our Team

Follow Us

We have a lot of ways to stay connected on what is going on in CMS. Use the buttons below to follow us on our social media pages!